Saturday, July 27, 2013


If you grew up in the 1980s then more than likely you remember the action series The A-Team, and in particular its big, bad star Mr. T. Well did you know that Mr. T had his own action cartoon on Saturday mornings?

From 1983 to 1986 Mister T was on NBC's Saturday morning cartoon line-up. In the toon, Mr. T coaches a gymnastics team that travels the world and, apparently, solve mysteries during the down time. Who doesn't like to solve mysteries in their spare time? Well we've provided an episode of the show for our Saturday Morning Serial.

The first season of Mister T is available through the Warner Archive Collection, the made-to-order library from Warner Bros. Though 13 of the 30 episodes are only included in this set, it hits the spot for any Mister T fan. You can purchase the set by clicking on the following link: Mister T: The Complete First Season (Animated Series) |

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