Tuesday, August 13, 2013


It's yet another New Release Tuesday and we have quite a number of picks this week from the TV-on-DVD aisle. As summer starts to wind down and networks prepare for the upcoming fall season, many releases from last TV season are hitting the shelves. It's a good chance to play catch-up on your favorite shows.

Comedy Pick-of-the-Week

The Mindy Project - The First Season

Mindy Kaling's freshman comedy hits the shelves today and we can't wait to pick up our copy. In fact, our copy is actually in a delivery truck right now and will be in our hands COB today. The Mindy Project had a rough start in its debut season. There were several modifications and retooling in the storylines and characters of the show. Some cast departures were necessary to introduce more interesting characters (Paging Morgan Tookers!). Ike Barinholtz's integration into the cast (and writing talent as well) brought much needed comedy relief in what was a stuffy, flatlining office environment. As the season progressed with its changes, the dynamic and chemistry between Kaling and Chris Messina's characters became the center of the show and has triggered the often used "will they or won't they" storyline. Get caught up before the second season premieres on FOX.

Blu-ray Pick-of-the-Week

Once Upon a Time - The Second Season

Once Upon a Time's second season makes its way to DVD/Blu-ray this week and picks up right where the first season ended. The integration of magic in the world of Storybrooke as well as the revelation of survivors in Fairytale land drove the majority of the sophmore season's storyline. Though there were a few missteps, Once kept the interest and fantasy going with its new characters and revival of the eternal fairy tale feud between good and evil.

Retro Comedy Pick-of-the-Week

Family Ties - The Seventh and Final Season

The Keaton clan's seventh and final season is finally released on DVD today. As the children continue to grow up and encounter various social situations, the parents confront their own fears of growing older and mortality (Steven's heart attack and surgery in a gut-wrenching three-parter change the Keatons forever). The series finale sees Alex P. Keaton realize his goals and obtain his dream job in New York, and the reactions and emotions in the household are exactly why it was ranked #24 in TV's Most Unforgettable Finales.

Retro Drama Pick-of-the-Week

Eight is Enough - The Fourth Season

Exclusively released through Warner Archive's manufacture-on-demand (MOD) site, the fourth season of the family drama continues the trials and adventures of the large Bradford family. The show welcomes the '80s with many changes in the household including several engagements, pregnancy, confronting death, and reconciling estranged relationships. Patriarch Tom Bradford continues balancing his work as a newspaper columnist with his ever-bubbling home life, and coming to terms with his maturing children. Eight is Enough was good, clean fun and worth a trip down memory lane...even for just an episode or two.

Cancelled Too Soon Pick-of-the-Week

Southland - The Fifth and Final Season

The fifth and final season of TNT's critically-acclaimed, gritty police drama follows the lives of several LAPD officers. The challenges associated with the job and piecing together the various crimes were the norm, and the second half of the season was dedicated to a major storyline focusing on Cooper that ended with a shocking bang. Unfortunately for viewers, the cliffhanger would remain unresolved due to the show's abrupt cancellation.

We Still Don't Get It Pick-of-the-Week

Girls - The Second Season

HBO's hyper-sexual dramedy releases its second season on DVD/Blu-ray. We still don't see the appeal of Lena Dunham or Girls, but the show has found a loyal audience and the network continues to hedge its bets.

Well that about wraps up our New Release Tuesday picks. What releases are you looking forward to this week? Share with us and comment below.

Don't forget to tune in next week for another selection of newly released TV-on-DVD, and keep it locked to Stay Tuned for future updates on anything and everything television.

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