Friday, August 9, 2013


Well another Friday has come and gone, at least work-wise, and now it is time to relax and enjoy the evening. If you have nothing else to watch this evening then you have found the right place because Stay Tuned's Retro-TGIF comedy block is about to start. Tonight's offering will be four episodes of Boy Meets World.

Boy Meets World was a coming-of-age comedy gem on ABC's TGIF lineup from 1993 to 2000. The "Boy" was Cory Matthews and the "World" was pretty much everyday lessons learned in the home, in school, and real-life situations. Cory, his best friend Shawn, and romantic interest Topanga were middle school students when the show premiered. Issues of adolescence and becoming young adults were primary stories the show touched upon, and as the kids moved through high school and then into college, the characters discovered that the world can be hard sometimes.

Cory's stability, the place he could always turn to, and basically his rock was his family and home. The stark differences of home life compared to his friend Shawn's made Cory appreciate his family a little more and he eventually understood why parents act in ways adolescent teens don't necessarily like. As he entered college and adapted to a whole new world, Cory found comfort and support from his second family, his friends. Cory's foil was his so-called nemesis, Mr. Feeny. It seems that wherever the kids went Mr. Feeny was not far behind as he became the kids' teacher, high school principal, and eventually college professor during the run of the show.

Boy Meets World dealt with relationship issues, from first crushes and dating, all the way to marriage, but it tackled tougher situations like alcoholism and drug abuse, abandonment, and even death. It isn't surprising that this sitcom has left its mark on television history and its legacy continues now that Disney Channel has given the green light on a spin-off, Girl Meets World, where Cory and Topanga will be the parents of an adolescent Matthews. The pilot episode is scheduled to premiere in 2014.

All seven seasons of Boy Meets World have been released on DVD, and even re-released after Lionsgate acquired the show's distribution rights. Now, if you don't own any sets and you're interested in purchasing them then you might want to hold out for the upcoming release of a complete series set. Rider Strong tweeted the following on August 6.

In addition to Strong's tweet regarding interviews for new DVDs, Maitland Ward (who played Rachel) has also been spotted recording an interview for what appears to be new bonus features for the new set. The release of a new complete series set is most likely tied to the Disney Channel spin-off, and a way for a new generation of kids to learn the background of Girl Meets World.

Enough chit-chat, let's get to the show!

8:00 PM - Boy Meets World

8:30 PM - Boy Meets World

9:00 PM - Boy Meets World

9:30 PM - Boy Meets World

We had to throw in an extra one because the final episode was a two-parter. That about wraps up this week's Retro-TGIF and we hope you enjoy the trip down memory lane.

Remember to keep it locked to Stay Tuned for future updates on anything and everything television.

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